Marianne Straub

Marianne Straub OBE was one of the leading commercial designers of textiles in Britain in the period from the 1940s to 1960s. She said her overriding aim was to design things which people could afford. ... To remain a handweaver did not seem satisfactory in this age of massproduction.

Marianne Straub was born in the village of Amriswil, Switzerland, the secoond of four daughters of the textile merchant Carl Straub and his wife Ccile Kappeler. She had tuberculosis as a young child and spent over four years in a hospital ward, returning home at the age of eight. Straub studied art at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Zurich, focusing on hand weaving and textiles in the final two years. Her tutor was Heinz Otto Hrlimann, who had studied at Bauhaus. She then spent six months working as a technicianhelper at a mill in her village.

Source: Wikipedia